The Truth Is...

I actually worry about worrying too much.


And that worries me.


Because... and here's the thing... there's this prevalent notion going around that if you can think it, you can realize it.


More specifically, if you worry all day about a rhino charging into your place of business and trampling you, the very fact that you're focusing on it will cause the rhino to manifest itself. 


That's called creative visualization. And because we're poets and artists we know about, and even tend to believe in the probability of thought becoming solid matter... or an event.


Maybe I shouldn't be lumping all poets and artists into this category. Maybe this is just an LA thing.


I'm a New Yorker that's been living in LA for almost 25 years. And I worry that all the new age ideas that go around here have separated me from the reality of the day to day.


And that worries me. Because if I am separated from the reality of the day to day and I'm worried about that happening, am I making that happen just by thinking of it?


It creeps into everything. Don't worry about losing your front teeth... that's not gonna happen... unless it's on your mind, which it just was. If that thought wasn't on your mind, you couldn't manifest the events that will cause it to happen. But now I'm thinking about what my life would be like without my front teeth.


Oh, sweet mother of god.


Now I'm thinking about the mother of god. I hope she doesn't show up, because I don't have much in the house to offer her.


Don't worry about spilling coffee on yourself, farting in a crowded elevator, walking into work naked. That could never happen... until a moment ago.


The truth is...


...with my own thoughts I can choose to make myself happy or unhappy. It takes a little practice not to worry about that.


In the meantime, I'm worried that I'm gonna die. I worry if I think about it enough it will eventually happen.


The upside to that is that I won't have to worry anymore.


Unless... reincarnation.


That worries me.